Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Waiting game...while on bedrest.

A quick update for my "fans". :) As of Wednesday, April 21, I was put back on modified bedrest. My blood pressure skyrocketed over the past two weeks. So, the docs told me I could not return to work and I had to rest, with my feet up, as much as possible. They gave me two options 1) I could go home and rest immediately, or 2) I could go to the hospital and check in to have my blook pressure monitored. I, of course, chose the home option. The docs set me up for a follow up appointment on Thursday and said that there was a 99% chance I'd be headed to the hospital for delivery...preeclampsia. I asked if I could go back to work to "close up shop". They agreed I could, if I did it in a timely fashion. It was hard to shut everything down and hand everything off again, but I knew it was best for baby and me.

Many prayers were said overnight, across several states and of course God put His hand on me and brought my blood pressure down from 156/103 to 117/81 on Thursday. I've been good ever since. The doc asked if I wanted to schedule an induction so that I would be guaranteed an epidural. They wanted to schedule me at 37 weeks. I declined. Why induce (contractions are much, much harder) only to have an epidural. I decided to wait and let my body do what it needs to and take the pain (with the help of narcotics).

This week begins my 36th week - I can't believe it. There were so many ups and downs throughout this pregnancy and if I think about it, I can recall those fears I had back in week 24 or having a preemie. Anabelle was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. I wonder when this baby will be here? They checked to see if I was dilated last Thursday...that was a big mistake. I don't know what I was thinking. After indicated that I was dilated to a 1, the doc and nurse left the room and I began to bleed all over. I'm an idiot. I forgot to remind them of my sensitive cervical polyp. The bleeding ended by the next morning, but dang it! Every time I start to get my hemaglobin up a bit, I lose blood and down it drops, which forces me to take the nasty iron supplements. Fool, fool, fool. I know better now.

I haven't been sleeping well AT ALL...and I don't seem to remember this insomnia from the first pregnancy. I'm up at 2 a.m. every night now, unable to go back to sleep because of my achy body. I take a nap every day and it seems to help...but sadly, I'm still crabby. :) I do think that it's God's way of preparing me for little sleep in the future. I don't believe that it's any different from what other pregnant women experience (i.e. I'm not special).

I still have my biophysical ultrasounds twice a week to measure fluids, heart rate, breathing, and movement. Baby always passes its test quickly.

We've got pretty much everything ready to go for the delivery and return home. That takes a lot of stress off of me. Anabelle is all moved into her new "meadow" room. She loves it. The closets are organized, the baby clothes are washed and put in the drawers, a cupboard is cleaned out for formula, bottles are washed and ready to go. We feel much, much more settled.

Thanks, once again, for all of you who've said prayers for my family. It certainly works and I am so grateful.

I promise to update more frequently...really, I will. It's now just a waiting game. :)


Saturday, April 3, 2010


We have officially reached our 32-week goal! I can't believe how far we've come in whaf feels like a very short time. Now, my time on bedrest seems like a blur. Since I last blogged, I've had four biophysical ultrasounds, one growth ultrasound, and an OB consultation. All is progressing well! As of Thursday, April 1, my placenta has moved more than 3 cm away from my cervix, thereby eliminating the need for a c-section. My chances of experiencing another bleed have all but diminished. Baby is growing very well. He/she is currently in the 80th percentile for growth. I finally look pregnant. :) Although, and I am NOT bragging-just astonished, I still weigh 10 lbs. less than when I first became pregnant. Crazy.

The only thing of interest/concern right now is that I have hard contractions in the latter part of the day. My doctor said that it was a clear indication of my body telling me I've done too much that day. She told me to simply listen to my body and react appropriately. One day two weeks ago, I was in Home Depot with my mom and Anabelle. We'd only been there about 10 minutes but I ended up having to sit down and rest on some boxes off in a was either that or a riding lawn mower! :) So, I have good days and bad. On the bad days, I try to sit as much as possible (per doc's orders) and help my body get through the day. I've been doing rather well over the past few days so that's good.

The only other thing I've got floating in my thoughts is that I most likely will not be able to have an epidural during delivery. I have to be off of my Lovenox for 24 hours before they can give me one. So...if I go into labor or my water breaks, I'm screwed. If, by chance, I make it long enough for them to induce labor - I will be able to have an epidural. Chances are slim - so I've got to have the right mindset for doing this the "au naturale" way. HA!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. I'll keep you posted on appointments and any new news.
