Monday, March 15, 2010

Ups and Downs

Hello everyone!

It's been some time since I last wrote. Since then, time has flown - but not without a few ups and downs. I went back to work on 3/1 - I only made it four hours before I was throwing up in the bathroom. I was also on the verge of tears from the moment I'd woken up. I think it was all due to anxiety. My job is great - I think it was just a new transition again. As the week went by, I got a little better each day.

Baby is doing wonderfully. He/she is growing at a great pace and movements are right on track. Of course it has very long legs and long arms. Go figure... :) Big Sister Anabelle keeps asking if she is a big sister yet. At night when we say our prayers, we have to say God Bless Big more calling her Anabelle. She's very excited about the baby's arrival - so are we!!

Today is the beginning of my third week back to work and I'm back "in the groove" of things. A kind coworker brought in a cot for me - I set it up in the empty office beside me. I use it (per doctor's orders) when I need to lay in my side for 5 or 10 minutes to take the pressure off my cervix. Other than that, all is well at work.

I had one major bump in the road last week. On Sunday (3/7) I awoke to more bleeding. This time it was significantly less - but still worrisome. Bryon and I headed off to the U of M Riverside Medical Center. They admitted me for the day and I was discharged later that night. Thank goodness there were no orders for bedrest or any other restrictions. This time, the diagnosis was that the polyp bled.

I had my scheduled appointment on Monday (3/8). I had an abdominal ultrasound. I'd hoped my placenta moved up more, but it didn't. I was at .5 cm away from my cervix and now I'm at .6 cm. I have to reach 3 cm before they'll discontinue plans for a c-section. They also decided that I'd have to begin twice weekly biophysical ultrasounds. Hopefully they'll be a quick in and out appt. I don't have to see a doctor, they just have to quickly measure a couple of things (e.g. fluid levels, heart rate, etc.). Twice weekly is pretty tricky when Anabelle can't come with. I have to find someone to watch her for that short time on Thursdays and Fridays. But, I'm thankful that they are keeping such a close watch over me. The doctor also set up another appointment for me with the U of M Center for Bleeding and Clotting. They want me to meet with their specialist so he can become familiar with my case should we need him during or after delivery. Another specialist, another lengthy conversation about the complexities of my body. But again, I am extremely thankful to have this network of individuals who can help me. It just wears on me mentally sometimes.

We're busy getting the house ready for a new member. Bryon has a honey-do list a mile long. It's so nice outside though, I tend to put my duties off and go for a slow walk down the street and back. Anabelle decided we'd go bird watching yesterday - she brought along her Minnesota Bird Book. I still have much to do...I can really get going once my mom comes up to paint the mural in Anabelle's new room. She's got four walls to paint. Anabelle had decided she wants a mountainscape, a lake with a kid fishing, a forest, a meadow, and a rainbow somewhere in the mix. I don't envy my mom - that's quite a challenge. Once we move her into the new room, we'll be able to take all the baby stuff (crib, dresser, bouncy seat, car seats, swing, cradle, bottles, clothes, toys, books, more and more and more) out of storage and get them washed and in place.

It will all come together - even if it's not done in the time frame I'd like.

I start week 30 tomorrow...we're getting much closer and we couldn't be more thankful and excited.

I'll do my best to update my blog more regularly over the next two months. There will be much always.

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