Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You are not going to believe this...THE PREVIA RESOLVED!!! What was once a complete previa (indicated on the ultrasound three weeks ago) is now a marginal/partial previa. That means that my placenta isn't even touching my cervix - it's moved up to .5 cm away from my cervix. placenta moved over 2.5 cm in three weeks and still has a few weeks to continue moving "up". I still have the polyp but my new WONDERFUL doctor ensured me that it was the previa that bled and not the polyp and that I have nothing to worry about regarding the polyp. She told me that if my placenta continues to move up another 2 or 3 cm (which she is confident that it will), I will be able to have a typical delivery - no c-section...and here's the kicker - I will go full term and will only have to go in when I go into labor!! No scheduled early delivery! Fully developed baby on the way!! AND....I've been lifted off bedrest!!!!!!! She told me I could immediately resume my normal activities and after a week, I can contact my HR person and head back to work (March 1)!!! Unreal!! A complete 180 from what I was told. Now, I have to say that I did have a complete previa, which caused the hemmorhage, and would've been on bedrest anyway. So, I can't say that treatment up to this point has been wrong. It was just that the Abbott docs dictated what would definitely happen and gave me no hope of resolution. which is why I immediately transferred my care to others. Upon meeting my Dr. Yamamorah, she told me that she'd already spoke with Dr. Rose and they were planning to work together throughout the rest of my pregnancy. She also noted that she was Chief Resident at the time Anabelle was born and that she was involved in our delivery!! Bryon actually remembers her being in the room!! I, on the other hand, was a little preoccupied and didn't register any faces. :)'s actually someone who's dealt with me before. I'm just amazed. Dr. Yamamorah advised me to take it slow over the next week to regain the strength I've lost over the past weeks. I'll definitely do that - I'm not going to risk it. She said that I could have a bleed again but since the previa is resolved, it's highly unlikely but could still happen as my placenta continues to move up. I do have some restrictions, similar to any pregnant woman. I have lifting restrictions and have to take breaks as necessary. No straining of any kind allowed. I'll still be on alert but I'm so excited to be able to be up and around and downstairs and outside and to the hair salon and pedicure salon...I could go on and on.

THANK YOU to everyone who has offered prayers ,kind words, and encouragement; supplied the Madson house with items to make my bedrest easier; provided the Madson's with delicious food or gift cards; watched Anabelle; picked Anabelle up from daycare; etc., etc. I know I'm forgetting something...but honestly, I'm just looking around the room and deciding what I'll do next...because I can!!!

I will continue to post messages on here after major appointments to let you all know how we're progressing and after the long-awaited day when our new, fully-developed, little squirmy baby has joined our household.

God is good...very good.

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