Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a delinquent blogger already...

I'm sorry! I should've been updating this blog over the past few days but honestly, it seems as though there aren't enough hours in the day! So here's my overdue update.

Thankfully, I was discharged on Monday afternoon. The ride home was a bit uncomfortable because of all the bumps and sharp curves (we had to go through a lengthy construction zone). I was amazed at how tired I was just after a little 20 minute car trip!

I'm at home now, snuggled in my bed/living space. Over the past few days I've been trying to balance resting, organizing (i.e. telling others what to do to help me organize), being a snuggly mom, and getting my work stuff settled. I am very conscious of the needs of my body though. I can certainly tell when I've been sitting up too long and now have discovered how long I can be in the shower (got dizzy this morning). My back is doing alright - adjusting to this bed again, but my neck is killing me because I have no support while sitting up. I can't wait for my bedlounge chair to arrive so that I'll have full support when I need to be sitting up at an angle. It should arrive soon.

The OB home team came today. They hooked me up to the monitor and I'm still contraction free and baby is thriving. The nurse decided that she'd recommend that I have my own monitoring system delivered so that I can monitor myself twice daily. That seems to give me some sort of comfort to see for myself that everything is stable. Plus, I can alert them quickly if I see something is off. They'll now be visiting once a week - since I'll be able to monitor by myself. I also am so blessed that my neighbor is an antepardom/labor and delivery nurse that is a stay-at-home mom for the past year.

My neighbors are trying out yummy recipes on us - which seems to remove some of the stress for Bryon (and ultimately me). He's still on overdrive...makes me worry. And there's not a thing I can do to help him - other than do what I can with words. Hopefully over the next few weeks things will sort of calm down and he won't feel so behind, he'll just have to maintain - which is enough in itself.

Anabelle seems to be adjusting well. Instead of running back and forth through the living and dining areas, she now just runs down the hallway and through my bedroom - of course pretending she is Grumpy and I'm Doc....and Daddy is either Snow White or Cinderella. :) I love it. She spends a lot of time snuggling with me and the look on her face when she gets home from daycare on Tuesday and Wednesday is precious. She grins from ear to ear and says, "I'm home!!" She's soooooo happy to see me waiting for her. I think Bry finds much relief in me doing her hair for school in the mornings. He really worked at it on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and he could never understand how I could do it so easily and why his attempts didn't turn out like mine. I'm glad I can at least do that.

My mom is coming up tomorrow to help out for a few days. As much as I sincerely appreciate everyone's help, I personally feel like when I ask her to get something or help out with something, I'm not asking a favor. This alleviates the guilt that one in my condition would naturally have. I'm trying to put myself in their shoes - of course I'd do anything without thinking twice. It's just a thought process I'll continue to work through.

Upon research, I've found that those typically in my position go through a series of emotions. Apparently I get to look forward to denial, shock, depression, sadness, and finally enjoyment as the end draws near. I've apologized in advance to Bryon of who I may become. I told him to focus on the end point where I'll return to my "old" self. I will return. :)

Eating in bed is g-r-o-s-s! Even though I eat on a tray, I feel like I'm sitting in a bed of crumbs and I can't get up and shake them off! :) I wasn't always the most pristine eater to begin with (often there was a slop spot on my shirt), and now I can't sit completely upright...I just keep getting more beautiful each day. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. An update! Hurrah!! You "forgot" to tell me about getting dizzy in the shower. Maybe it's a good idea not to shower when you're home alone. The baby monitor is fun!

